Friday 21 December 2012

ARCH+, Junya Ishigami

Here are some more interesting links related to nature and the city/arch. The first is the article from Arch+ which is an interview with Junya Ishigami. Also check out some of the other articles from this issue as they are pretty interesting. Then there are a few videos also about Ishigami, one about Japan (more here) and the other about the KAIT Workshop. Enjoy!

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Private/Public Parks

Here is an episode of 99% Invisible about the 'Public' spaces in San Francisco that are actually private. I thought it might be interesting to someone and there are quite a few other episodes that everyone might also find interesting.

Thursday 13 December 2012

explore berlin community

Here is the link to the website of the community I was talking about in todays critique:

link to website

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Squatter to guard abandoned house

Today I read about an strange concept to deal with abandoned houses. There is a dutch company, called camelot, who does legal squattering to save abandoned houses from vandalism and real squattering. One can for example live in an childrens hospital and pays a ridiculous low rent. If somebody lives in the house, the chance of vandalism sinks, so they say. Official, the inhabitant does not live there for the sake of dwelling. He is officially a guard, that lives in the object he guards.